The Parish Council undertakes a number of projects. Tibberton has focused on an ambitious but achievable programme of Parish Projects in recent years.
These projects are intended to help improve visual amenity and safety of the area as well as providing better services, especially through support to local community groups.
If you would like to find out more about any of the projects currently underway, please have a look at the relevant page or contact the Clerk.
Completed and sustained Projects:
- 30mpg MVAS (Moveable Vehicle Activated Speed) sign
- Parish Noticeboard
- Telephone Box ‘TIBBERTON’ signs
- Chicane on school footpath from Tibberton Lane
- Plant new trees opposite Orchard Rise Bank
Ongoing and future Projects:
- Footpath improvements
- Allotments
- Resurface school footpath from Tibberton Lane
- Community Defibrillator
- Extend 30mph speed limit
- Village boundary signs